A Good Thing...
It's a good thing that we wage war in the name of peace.
It's a good thing that we kill in the name of justice.
It's a good thing that we create criminals in the name of the Law.
It's a good thing that we use toxic chemicals to kill medicinal plants.
It's a good thing that we encourage children to use synthetic drugs to treat mythical mental diseases.
It's a good thing that we give people no other choice than to buy expensive medicines that require more medicine to work properly. It's a good thing when banks take the homes of people that can't pay the mortgage and the medical bills at the same time.
It's a good thing that living and obtaining an "education" are too expensive for many people in America.
It's a good thing that we are locking up people that are caught using one of humanity's oldest medicinal flowers.
It's a good thing that our society drives people insane with stress so that they can slowly kill themselves with tobacco, alcohol toxification, junk food, and television, (if the stress doesn't kill them first).
It's a good thing that we are poisoning minds with flouride and chlorine in the drinking water.
it is a good thing that we are spending money we don't have.
It's a good thing that we are bailing out private banks at the expense of the public trust. The benefits are two-fold, we establish a kleptocractic-oligarchy, and we destroy multiple economies. A very good thing for establishing a single global currency: one God to rule them all.
It is a good thing we're not smart enough to foresee our own future.
It is a good thing we know little about our history.
It is a good thing we know little about natural life.
It is a good thing our survival is dependent upon the elite.
This is why revolution is a bad idea...