Wednesday, December 31, 2008


pretty much sums it up.

all life is matter, all matter is energy.

problem solved. this means no more war, no more poverty, and no more slavery, oppression, famine, disease, or suffering...

of course there's more...
there is more to life than war, or poverty, or suffering.

More is also love, forgiveness, tolerance, scientific discovery, and the realms of the spirit.

Life is more than morality, ethics, politics, economics, or the law.

Human life is defined by knowledge, thus, knowledge is a very powerful thing.

Ultimately, in human life, nothing is more than knowledge.

So, who controls what you know?

do you want to know more?

Saturday, December 13, 2008


If the idea of an abortion pains you, then you're really going to hate this.

Somewhere, right now, a children starves to death with no hope of having food.

Right now, in the rural hillsides of the Middle East, another child is being trained to attack an occupying military.

But that's life. Right?

Somewhere in Southeast Asia, a young girl turns to prostitution for survival.

Somewhere in Camden, New Jersey, a young boy, without a job or an education, joins a gang and learns the ropes of the illegal drug trade. He learns to carry a gun to protect himself, but in reality, his odds of survival would be better if he were an American soldier serving in Iraq.

But that's life, right? Nothing we can do about it.

Somewhere in upstate New York, a 65 year old widow in the advanced stages of Alzheimer's disease must choose between paying for her medication and paying for her mortgage.

Somewhere in Colorado, a brilliant gentleman, husband, and father of three is wheelchair-bound, facing a life with multiple-sclerosis. He can not use one of the most appropriate natural medicines for his medical condition because the government he served as an Air Force colonel has made it illegal.

But now, there is something we can do about that...