I remember that morning, as all Americans do. I remember watching the towers which so powerfully defined New York fall into an unimaginable cloud of dust. I felt like I could hear the cries of all those who died that day. I knew my Dad and my sister were somewhere in the city, and I called into work to tell my boss that I wasn't going anywhere until I knew they were okay. As I watched everything unfold, in the back of my mind, I knew why it was all happening...
In the shock wave of 9/11, Americans united, but this union was short lived. Thoughts of love and compassion turned to revenge. Blame was assigned, a rift divided our global family, and our President proclaimed that the perpetrators of this crime "hated freedom." Instead of questioning the true reasons for the attack of 9/11, Americans amplified their presence around the world, and billigerently set out to make things right...
We've failed to learn our lessons. We've only perpetuated the conditions that brought violence to American soil. Christ teaches us to love our enemies, to turn the other cheek. Many Christians today think this is "weak" and that "the terrorists" will destroy us all if we follow the example of Christ. To them I say THINK BIGGER. It's easy to combat violence with violence. It's easy to say "they are evil, they deserve to die." The lessons of human history teach us that we often jump to conclusions without knowing the whole truth. The lessons of history teach us that violence is the only outcome of unresolved social conflict. Violence is cyclical; it feeds from itself, and it is an addictive disorder that our "civilization" can't seem break. Christ saw this. His advise? Read the sermon on the mount... I think you'll find it in Luke.
Shortly, I will explain "the case for oil." Our "war on terrorism" is two faced. On one hand, it represents a 21st century clash of cultural traditions amplified by post modern ambiguities and cultural deconstruction. On the other hand, it represents humanity's oldest nemisis... war as a by product of cultural relativism.
In one corner are the Islamic fundamentalists and their radical militant ideologies. They fight to defend their way of life from western secularism and economic imperialism. In the other corner, WE stand ready to fight them... to defend what? Our home? Why did "they" attack us first? Is it because we did something to THEM first? What could that be?
It has been the objective of American foreign policy for decades to control the politics of the middle east that we might stabilize the region for the sake of economic prosperity... gotta have that oil! This is why we supported Saddam when he gassed the Kurds and the Iranian soldiers. This is why our CIA trained Usama Bin Ladin and his Mujahaddin (pre Al Qeada) to defend Afghanistan from the Soviets. This is why we support the Saudi royal family as they perpetuate their own humanitarian crimes. This is why we so faithfully support Israel as it defiantly occupies U.N. mandated Palestinian soil. On top of that, Israel posses nuclear weapons, which is also in violation of U.N. resolution, but we don't talk about that... all of this so that we could drive our big cars and inflate our economy.
9/11 was an act of Karma. We've been dishing it out for a long time; it was inevitable that our policies would come back and bite us. Don't get me wrong, I'm a pacifist and I believe violence of any sort is wrong. To this day, my heart goes out to the families who lost loved ones on 9/11. I wish I could tell them that their loss wasn't in vain... but we haven't learned our lessons...
I say this as an American and a humble Christian.
It's not too late to change our ways... the future of human civilization depends on this... violence is the way of all animals. This doesn't make us human; it only proves the truth of our evolutionary heritage. We need to use our God given brains for once; violence is ONLY the tool of the weak.
If only we could follow the example of Christ...