Saturday, June 28, 2008


It all begins with Ideas.

It ALL begins with ideas.

For without ideas,

all is nothing more than cosmological radiation.


Matter is Energy, and Energy is Mass multiplied by the square of the speed of Light.


The Brain regulates the Body. The Body is Matter multiplied by DNA. When the Body fails, The Mind becomes absent. The Mind is energy multiplied by DNA.

IDEAS + 1:
DNA shapes the Mind. DNA is matter. DNA is shaped by the Environment. The Environment shapes the Mind.

IDEAS - 1:
Culture programs the Mind. Culture is Information. Information programs the Mind. The censorship of Information enslaves the Mind.

IDEAS + 1:
Information only exists in the Mind of an Observer. Observers are designed by DNA. The Tools of observation are designed by DNA and Culture. Information is Quanta. Quanta is latently Universal.

IDEAS - 1:
Observer's are shaped by DNA. DNA is shaped by the Environment. The Environment is Entropy. Observer's are shaped by Chaos.

It all begins with Ideas.

It ALL begins with ideas.

For without ideas,

all is nothing more than cosmological radiation.


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